
Plymouth's Orthodox Synagogue

Chanukah Party December 2011

Chanukah Party December 2011 - 1
Chanukah Party December 2011 - 3
Chanukah Party December 2011 - 2
Chanukah Party December 2011 - 4

Holocaust Memorial Day January 2011

Holocaust Memorial Day January 2011
Holocaust Memorial Day January 2011

Plymouth Synagogue Windows

Plymouth Synagogue Right Hand North Window
Plymouth Synagogue Left Hand East Window
Plymouth Synagogue Right Hand North Window 2
Plymouth Synagogue Left hand north window
Plymouth Synagogue Right Hand East Window
Plymouth Synagogue Left Hand South Window

Purim Party

There was an enjoyable Purim party on Sunday March 20th at 2.30pm in the vestry. The Megilla was read with much foot-stamping, boos and rattle shaking at the name of Haman. Games, fun and food abounded. Visitors came from as far as Truro, Newton Abbot and Parr.

Plymouth Synagogue Purim Party - 1
Plymouth Synagogue Purim Party - 3
Plymouth Synagogue Purim Party - 4
Plymouth Synagogue Purim Party - 2

The Bull Run

Plymouth Synagogue The Bull Run - 1
Plymouth Synagogue The Bull Run - 2
Plymouth Synagogue The Bull Run - 3

Chanukah 2015

Candle lighting, Horah dancing and yummy food.

Plymouth Synagogue Chanukah 2015 - 2
Plymouth Synagogue Chanukah 2015 - 3
Plymouth Synagogue Chanukah 2015 - 1

Bournmouth Visit

We recently had a most successful visit from the Bournemouth League of Jewish Women organised by Mrs Judith Henry. One of those present was Mrs Hilda Marks who gave an interesting talk about the role the community played during the war. Everyone enjoyed a cream tea prepared and served by Pat Goodman our Vice-President assisted by Anna Kelly.

Plymouth Synagogue Bournmouth Visit - 3
Plymouth Synagogue Bournmouth Visit - 2
Plymouth Synagogue Bournmouth Visit - 1